The Internet and Me

The Internet and Me

So I’m at it again!

Trying to find my way in this forest that is SOCIAL MEDIA.

It should be common knowledge by now, that, just having a regular job isn’t really ‘cutting it’ in today’s world. Almost everyone and their mother has a “side hustle” (a small business for those of us whose urban vocabulary may be a bit limited). Seeing as how I have developed this insatiable desire to own an account on every possible social media site that exist, I’ve decided that I’m going to make myself a social media guru of sorts.

Ok, so it’s definitely more than just social media, the online world is so vast and intriguing. Just last week I created my own website (don’t ask me why?!). It was all spurred on by my new position as “President” of the Baruch College Corporate Communication Graduate Student Association – BCCGSA. In my capacity as President, I was given the login details for the group’s website. I was aghast to say the least, when I realized that the website was so bland. So I set out to do some redesigning, as I am of the firm belief that the website of a CORPORATE COMMUNICATION group should reflect the skills and aptitude of its members.

But I digress, the whole redesigning of the BCCGSA website led me to creating my own. After all, it was all so easy!

Let’s fast forward >> I now have a website, with a logo, a “business” Pinterest account and a new blog on But why????

I have found that small businesses, non-profit organizations and professionals who offer consultancy services, tend to solely operate from Facebook. WHY would they think that this is a suitable medium through which they should run a business??? Picture this; you’re at a conference, amongst your peers, people are exchanging business cards etcetera, and big and bold on your business card is a FACEBOOK PAGE!!!! The HORROR!!!

Don’t get me wrong, Facebook is a very effective way to communicate with you customers/ audiences/ etc but it is definitely not the most professional way to present your business, especially to your peers.

I have therefore decided that I am going to target these PR offenders and show them just how easy and cheap it is to create a logo, have a website and engage with their clientele through social media (besides Facebook).

Even with the smallest budget, any business can have a big PR presence!

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